Weavers Story Bank

How do I stop dad wandering the house?

From… Sarah, Weavers researcher

What you could try…

  • Making large signs with pictures and simple words to put on doors, in hallways, and on cabinets.You might need to experiment with different signs – some that are visual (using arrows or actual photographs) and some that have simple words like toilet, dad’s bedroom, etc.
  • Creating a safe space in the house that your dad can wander to – a space that is reminiscent of an earlier, more calming time – perhaps their bedroom as a child, a garden patch, or an office like the one they used to go to. You can decorate this space as if it were from the earlier time.

For more, you can go to …

A bit more about me …

Sarah works as part of Weavers HQ, finding interesting tidbits from the latest research. Research has shown that signage reduces some dementia patients’ disorientation in the home.To read more about the research, you can go to: http://etd.fcla.edu/UF/UFE0001080/bajaj_p.pdf