Weavers Story Bank

How do we personalise the hospital experience?

Answered by Mike and Liz

What we tried…

  • Liz has been in hospital more times that I can count. It can be such a depersonalising experience.
  • I did lots of different things in the hospital environment to make it more personable and homely for Liz.
  • I made bedgowns for her from everyday fabric so it didn’t just feel like another stripey bedgown.
  • I also brought photos and objects from home in to fill the space so there were a few familiar things around. Liz and I also a memory photo wall at home that we use to trigger LIz’s short term memory so I also brought that in so we could talk about things happening outside of the hospital.

A bit more about us and our caring situation…

Mike and Liz care for each other. Liz has had MS for 31 years – but they don’t let the diagnosis define them. They are big adventurers!